Discover Your True Happiness
8th and 9th May, 2025

The "Happiness Experiment" helps you move beyond mind games by peeling off the layers of perception, convictions, and illusions, which make us unhappy, suspicious, and drift through life.

Prepare yourself for an enlightening 2-day journey that promises to be more than just a workshop; it's an awakening to the joy and beauty that life has to offer.

This experiment is designed to reveal to you that Life is indeed joyful and worth every moment, guiding you through discoveries that will change your perception of happiness, power, and well-being.

Discover that:

  • True Happiness Is Possible: Learn that true happiness isn't a myth; it's a tangible reality waiting to be embraced.
  • We are not powerless:Realize you're not powerless. Discover that you have the strength and capability to steer your life in the direction you desire.
  • Consciousness and Joy:Understand that consciousness leads to joy, while unconsciousness leads to misery. It's time to take charge of your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Take Charge:Gain tools and insights to take control of your mental and emotional health, paving the way for a life filled with joy.

People experience feelings of being deceived, wronged, hurt, confused, doubted, rejected, distracted, unloved, directionless, depressed, frustrated, not good enough, and more. Stress is a constant companion, and distractions are seemingly a permanent solution.

When distractions through entertainment are not enough, we even resort to spirituality. Expressing our deepest feelings and desires becomes the tallest mountain that remains unscaled. Suppression remains futile but the only viable tool. In this chaos, we build our lives.

We intend to offer a viable alternative to such a life.

The "Happiness Experiment" offers a HOPE that there is a third way of living life. It's a possibility to move beyond mere coping mechanisms towards a genuinely fulfilling joyful life.

Anaavaran Workshop

The Happiness Experiment: Discover What Lies Within

This 2 days workshop is tailored for those who are eager to explore and evolve on a personal level. The FORMAT is designed to engage you fully, with whole-day sessions that include discourse, meditative practices, QnA, sharings, and reflection, providing a holistic experience of learning and self-discovery.

At the heart of The Happiness Experiment are two meditative practices that are deeply rooted in Ancient Indian science of Gyan Yoga. These practices are designed to help you know yourself at the deepest level, emerging from realization of the trueself, to provide a pathway to discovery of our true happiness.

Why you should sign up for this?

The Happiness Experiment simplifies spirituality for everyday application, offering mentorship, self-awareness tools, and unique meditation practices.

The Happiness Experiment is curated for SEEKERS who are curious and willing to discover their true version, and live in joy.

Anaavaran Workshop

Embark on the journey of crafting your own destiny, breaking away from the chains of the past into a life filled with oneness, love, and happiness.

This workshop invites you to break free from your programming and conditioning, that dooms you to unhappiness, and live according to the fundamental aspects of humanity, living a life that's truly yours.

Embark on the journey of crafting your own destiny, breaking away from the chains of the past into a life filled with oneness, love, and happiness.

This workshop invites you to break free from your programming and conditioning, that dooms you to unhappiness, and live according to the fundamental aspects of humanity, living a life that's truly yours.
Sameer kamboj


Sameer Kamboj

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