Role Of Consciousness In Time Management
The state of being aware of oneself, and at the same time being responsive and alert to the surroundings can be understood as consciousness. It is the feeling of exploring our inner self and looking for ways to be found. The thing we as human beings are capable of doing is to evolve out of our compulsions and do the right things in each block of time. The ability of human beings to manage emotions, attractions, distractions, obsessions, depression etc. makes them unique and different from the rest of the mammals. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, humans figure at the top of the hierarchy because of their ability of self-actualization. They have the potential to utilise and attain that level of consciousness where they can best utilise themselves if they focus their energy in the right direction. Humans have this ultimate capability to keep themselves motivated consciously and not be beaten down with struggles and despair.
At the same time we need to know there is a correlation between consciousness and time management as consciousness can be seen as an attribute of time management which helps to analyse whether one is utilising the time or wasting it. It depends on how the person perceives oneself which results in how the output turns out. Usually it depends upon the surrounding and the image one receives from it. Psychologically, it’s proven that these perceptions are usually the ‘self-images’. They create an optimistic or pessimistic image about oneself. As a child if one is continuously told that they are worthless, incompetent, procrastinator etc., on the basis of temporary attitudes, the child starts believing it after a while. On the contrary, if the same child is made to feel good about himself, not only he feels motivated but also engages in better activities.
Time can be managed is one of the biggest illusions we as a world have lived with. Even before our existence and after our end, one thing which will always remain constant is time. We all pass through time. Time doesn’t depend on us for anything, we can neither give it anything, nor take anything from it. It is well said that we all are nothing but time, we are just a difference between the time of our birth and death. And what is in between is the time we possess as human beings on this planet. To manage this available time effectively is the only way to succeed in life. The more we procrastinate, the higher degree of stress we develop and the better we manage time, the more happier we remain.
From our childhood we have a time table and as we grow up we keep making to do lists, task lists etc. and still we don’t effectively manage time. This situation arises because of lack of consciousness. If only one is conscious so will one value time and one should always strive to work towards gaining consciousness about oneself. There is a constant conflict between two segments of the population as one side of the population is depressed and the other is obsessed and hence both are in a phase of perceived self-image and act accordingly. Both the sides are constantly in a dilemma to prove to someone their worth and as a result feel incapable. So instead of adopting the two major extremes, one should instead work towards being self-aware. This leads to major life changing lessons that an individual becomes a party to. The more self-aware an individual is, the more organised and meaningful life he/she lives.
Conscious time management brings about major changes in an individual’s life. As a person gathers confidence and realises his/her worth and capability, then there is no stopping and a sea of opportunities awaits them. We forget that we are just a speck of time in this huge universe and our capabilities are usually dependent on how we execute them in the best possible time framework.