Anantah September 2022

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From the desk of Shalini and Sameer Kamboj

A question that confounds most people right up to their graves. Something that they pursue all their life, with all their might, struggle and yet do not find answers. How long can we allow ourselves to live and die ignorantly?
I am writing this with a hope that someone out there, who is really tired of struggling, of being in pain, of being unhappy, of being rich yet alone, of running from one failure to another, of attaining it all, of the race, just simply tired, confused and lost and is now inclined and willing to answer this basic question on what success is and isn’t, will read this and introspect.
In this blog, the intricacies of the problem called success are discussed. As you will read it, many thoughts and emotions like compulsions, agitations, anger, defeat, hope, hopelessness, ego, aggression, and more will emerge. Let these flow. Allow these to surface. Remember these will be your thoughts and your emotions. Not ours. Take responsibility for these instead of throwing these on others in the attempt of burning them down.
When I searched on google for “What is Success?” On September 18, 2022, at 0930 hrs (India time), there were 6,08,00,00,000 results. Within each result were articles, blogs, research notes, videos, and more. A profound repository of information. For a seeker, it is a lot of information. A lot of successful people are giving out their views on the topic. Most of these people are either rich, famous or both.
Whom do I believe? Some examples are given below:
“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” ~ Walt Disney
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
“May you live every day of your life.” ~ Jonathan Swift
“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different”.~ Coco Chanel
“You must expect great things from yourself before you can do them.” ~ Michael Jordan
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ~ Mark Twain
I have taken only a few samples here:
On a plain reading, a person is bound to get confounded or confused. No one seems to clarify this topic. Everyone seems to talk around it, about it, but not give a conclusive answer.
Desires, goals, progression, achievement, failure, fulfillment, happiness, joy, etc. seem to be the most commonly used words in describing success.
Someone with power describes it differently than the one who feels powerless. One with wealth but without health describes it differently from the one with health but without wealth. One with relationships values loneliness more than the ones who are lonely and without relationships. One with fame is seeking “me time” and the one with a lot of “me time” seeks attention. One with knowledge is seeking happiness and one who is happy is seeking stress. One with Life finds it cumbersome while the one who is dying is struggling to breathe. One with comforts seeks “real life as an adventure” while one who lives in rugged realities seeks comforts. One who has peace seeks conflict while a conflicted mind seeks peace. One who is anxious seeks calmness while one who is calm finds it boring. One who is in love finds it a bondage, while one who has many people but no love seeks love desperately. One who has children finds them annoying while one with no children envies those who have and goes to great lengths to have children. One who is successful feels unsuccessful while one who is unsuccessful idolizes them.
With each passing phase of life, the description of success changes.
For a child, success may mean attention and love from parents, growing up to be an adult, scoring more than others, getting that toy or simply dreaming.
For a young adult, success may mean attention from someone who’s on their mind, being competitive, being better than the sibling, getting that college admission, getting accepted in that circle of friends, getting that car, or excitement they have been looking for, making an impact by being different, generating more money, going for that adventure, that travel, doing that social work, etc.
For an adult and an older person, it will be different again and for someone who is on their deathbed, it will be different.
For someone whose business is crashing, going bankrupt, it will have a different description than the one who has a regular inflow of money that is more than they expected.
To chase this success, that is changing its name, shape, form, colour, material, path and idea, humans get tired. Their set formulas of earning success in its previous form no longer work in its new and changed form.
This situation has only forced most thought leaders to come up with yet more formulas to chase success. And then they called it “change management”. This is nothing but a farce being pulled on humanity by people who claim to be successful and wise while they remain as ignorant as the ones who chase success. This must stop.
If humanity is unable to provide a conclusive and simple answer to a basic question, then it is a cause of concern. The impacts of this ambiguity are being felt on a daily basis, all around us. There are a lot of young people today who do not wish to be successful simply because success to them means underlying struggles.
Success seems like a tough thing to achieve.
Would I really want to chase success after looking at these descriptions of success? Some of us, hardcore ones…maybe yes…but some of us, softer ones… maybe no.
We have become friendly with this idea of success and everyone passes on this wisdom, that “in order to be successful, one has to go through a lot of pain.” Thus only the obsessed and foolhardy ones go through such a stupid process of success and unfortunately, they are the ones who later claim to know how to reach the pinnacles of success. Such successful people live their entire lives in pain and with struggles, so much so, that when the pain and struggles recede, they create new ones.
Those who are seeking success, look up to these struggling yet seemingly successful people and ape them. They consider themselves to be inferior.
Imagine a faraway place where the most commonly used metal is Gold. So much so, that the fabrics are woven from gold threads, people use gold utensils, houses are gold plated. Someone who values gold but does not have it, reaches this faraway place wearing clothes made of cotton and leather . And being great at marketing convinces these people living with gold into believing that the real valuable thing is leather and the gold that they are using is a useless item. But…. Being a fair person, he is willing to trade their gold with his precious leather. These people who do not value what they have, start valuing his stories of leather and start giving away their gold for leather.
Such is the human state today. People with greater influence and intellect are busy selling stress to people who do not value their abundant joy. But what these intelligent people do not understand is that you can not trade your stress and intellect with someone’s joy!
Out of this ignorance, we describe success in such terms and in mysterious ways simply because its simplicity evades us. When we do not have a clear cut answer to something then we jump around the idea of success. And jumping around causes lots of hardships
It is critical for Humanity – and that includes businesses – to answer this question. Without it, we are perennially lost.
Wishing Evolution for you.
From the Coach’s Desk
“Reflections: Khud Ko Tu Behne De….”
Travel is an opportunity to experience oneself fully. You are away from the daily hustle-bustle of life in serene, quaint, tranquil, and beautiful places, and you are with people you love to spend time with. Amidst all that is happening externally, like planning excursions, lazing around, shopping, playing, and partying, a lot goes on internally too. If one is quiet enough, they would be able to hear that voice that talks to them, which reflects, introspects, and emerges with profound realizations about self and life
I recently went on vacation after almost three years. Indeed the time spent there with the amazing company I had was fantastic, but the most interesting conversations I had during those nine days were with “myself”.
As I boarded the flight back to Delhi and we were mid-air, I took out my iPad to note down my reflections on the trip. What emerged was nothing but pure realizations in the form of a Kavita. Sharing that with all of you:
Kya khoje re tu musafir,
Nazrein teri dhoonde kya;
Aankhein apni band to kar tu,
Aur khud ko tu bas behne de!
Kyu soche is pal kya hoga,
Haath wese bhi kuch na hoga,
Ek baar us par kar bharosa,
Aur khud ko tu bas behne de!
Din me tu jab sona chaahe,
Yaa raat me jaage phire;
Chunne de aankhon ko apni raahein,
Aur khud ko tu bas behne de !
Saath tu jab sabka chaahe,
Ya bheed me akela reh jaye,
Sirf sansein apni jab sune tu,
Tab bhi khud ko behne de!!
Tu kuch maange, tu kuch chaahe,
Bawra mann tera dolta jaye;
Mann ko tu ab Sthir to kar,
Aur khud ko tu bas behne de!
Mann chahe tu kahi ud jaye,
Duur gagan kahi kho hi jaye,
Par ant mein jab khud ko paye,
Phir bhi khud ko bas behne de!!
One of the many steps
by Zappian

One of our grads Arif Khan wanted to introduce the concept of Conscious Entrepreneurship in his organization. With a team of senior colleagues, who have been associated with his organization Zappian for a long time, he wanted his people to become Conscious Entrepreneurs in their respective fields. To cater to the same, we organized a session on Conscious Entrepreneurship – “Harnessing Your Own True Potential”. The curious bunch had many questions, the answers to which instilled a curiosity in them and simultaneously provided relief, for they realized all they wanted was truly possible. People went back with an understanding that their own compulsions are a roadblock on their pathway to evolution. They got cognizant of how their emotions and limitations could have blocked their growth and success. Most importantly, they realized how they usually keep the areas of self, their people, and work in silos.
Conscious Entrepreneurship ProgramTM(CEP)
April 2022 Batch Final Sharings Exclusively in the Laps of the Ganges
A FUNtastic batch of 12 Conscious Entrepreneurs graduated with laughter echoing in the surroundings and vibrations of love all around.
Like rightly said by one of the participants, “it felt like we’re with our childhood friends marching together towards the path of Conscious Entrepreneurship.”
What could be more beautiful than hearing epiphanies near the Ganges..and witnessing the deepening levels of curiosity to know more….
Pledging to walk on the path of Consciousness is a step towards many possibilities that will unfold in time. We wish the participants all the best!

Congratulations to Rajesh Doshi, Vijay Jindal, Akshay Gupta, Mehul Vajir, Malvika Vaswani, Gopal Batra, Harini Calamur, Ankur Shrivastava, Prerna Jhamb, Nilesh Jindal, Aalok Bhan and Arif Khan and to their Enterprises – Acme Housing , Sjs Biotech International, BHI Petrochem, RKB International , Malvika Vaswani, Incubr, Cactus Communications, Vitraya Technologies and Zappian.
Essentials of Success (EOS)
GT Cargo Batch Final Sharings
10 Participants of Essentials of Success, July Batch 2022 graduated today with such beautiful outcomes.
Professional takeaways have been immense but more than that it was heart warming to hear their epiphanies around their development in their personal lives too with increased meaningful engagement with their family and friends.
The desire to be a Conscious parent has also kicked in the participants. Isn’t it beautiful how the Program impacted people in areas in which they themselves must have not thought could be a takeaway.

Congratulations to all the participants Rohit Upadhyay , Mohan Prakash, Nishant Singh, Rakesh Prajapati, Ravinder, Pushpankar Tiwari, Pawan Tewatia, Digpal Singh , Anuj Mishra and their GT Cargo Fittings Pvt. Ltd. for infusing consciousness in their team members leading to joyful and conscious organizations.
Anaavaran Workshop
July 2022
The Anavaran Workshop (AW) kick-started on July 15, 2022, with 25 participants. The participants enrolled for the 4-day workshop to understand and delve into the concept of self while learning how to unpeel the layers that cover their core and blur the self-image. Based on the ancient science of Gyan Marg, which is the understanding of self, the workshop primarily intends to help participants discover their true selves and pave the way towards their evolution.
We wish the participants all the best and hope this four-day workshop brings Sadhna into their lives, starting their journey of being Sadhaks.
Spreading consciousness in full swing.

Congratulations to Dalzeen Nikorawala, Ninad Ranade, ELS, Danny Shah, Amol Bhargava, Arjun Jindam, Santanil Dasgupta, Vijaykumar Kattula, Anubhav jain, Parul Sharma, Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta, Alpana Sharma, Ishita G., Bhakti Randeria, Vandana Maheshwari, Kajal Patel, Ashrit Talwar, Nitin Bansal, Prashant Verma, Adit Gupta, Zoya Jumani, Kaazal Kiran Kattula, Karan Singh, Neelam Shah, Tanya Malik, Neerja Biswas.
CEO? No Sir, Not Anymore!

“What do you do at LexiConn?” asked a prospective client on a web call. “Ah! I am the CEO”, I said. “Oh. Okay. That’s great. Nice of you to join the call”, she said. Pleasantly surprised..
On some other occasions, I would introduce myself as the Founder, at times the Director, or even the Strategy Head, someone from the company Management, a senior colleague, or whatever other designation the context of the meeting demanded. Wait, there are more.
A Senior Manager in the morning, a Purchase Officer in the afternoon, an HR in the evening, an Accountant on weekends, a Copywriter during a crisis, a Marketer every fortnight, a Salesman every moment, and yes, an Office Boy (secretly of course). If you’ve worked in a small company, none of this is surprising. You probably know that CEO is short for “Chief Everything Officer”. We hustle. People assume we doing nothing. In reality, there is nothing we don’t do.
It is with such jugaad or “resourcefulness” that I’ve built my company. Being “bootstrapped” is an enterprising brain’s version of being “cash-strapped”. But, gradually, things change. We celebrated our 13th Foundation Day this week. As a colleague put it, our company is now a teenager, can’t say what new demands it will make in the coming years.

But here is the problem with milestones. As long as you stay in the game, “relevant experience” keeps adding up. A foundation day, a marriage anniversary, a birthday, your country’s independence, or the work experience on your CV. These are just numbers. “More” doesn’t always mean “better”.
A wise entrepreneur-mentor once asked me, “What is your company’s growth target for this year?”. “30% on the top line, sir”, I cooked up a reasonable-sounding number (point to be noted – as small entrepreneurs, we don’t have growth targets, we have survival goals). He said, “Great. Tell me, are you and your team 30% better than last year? What new skills and abilities have you built to achieve this goal?” My MBA brain immediately made up the logical answers, but my conscious-self understood the more profound question and chose to keep quiet.

Luckily, the pandemic gave me the space and time to become a part of a meditative and reflective environment. I now have access to a unique ecosystem of conscious individuals who help me understand myself and my emotions, down-to-earth mentors who course-correct me and dare me to dream big, a “trust group” that never lets me off the hook, and above all, colleagues who love me with all my flaws and vulnerabilities. Lucky, right?
Isn’t it strange how things change? If you let them change? Like I realised, I played “CEO” not because of external constraints but because of my “need for control” and my “lust for perfection”. I didn’t share wholeheartedly due to my fears and insecurities. Being a workaholic martyr doesn’t earn admiration; it breeds worn-out colleagues. Being a micromanager does not guarantee efficiency; it produces fickle relationships. And these are not the ingredients you need if you aspire to build a happy and progressive workplace, or a peaceful family.
Hence, without further ado, I took action. Two seasoned colleagues supported me when I proposed that it was time for me to stop being so many things, and start being myself. They agreed to take over most of my responsibilities so that I could start something new.
Now, like everyone at LexiConn, I am also expected to play to my strengths. I am forever indebted to all my team members for letting me be “me”.
So if you find me on a call and ask me, “What do you do at LexiConn? Are you the CEO?” I’ll say,
“CEO? No Sir, Not Anymore!”
“SKC Foundation Day Celebration”
“You can make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give.”
Such a beautiful quote that has caught on with all its deepness and intensity!
SKC has a tradition of participating in activities that invoke the human in us as we believe contributing and involving ourselves in welfare initiatives is simply being human, these are simple acts of consciousness. Being conscious, there is no waiting in doing the right things. One must keep creating platforms for others to flourish.
Such is the human state today. People with greater influence and intellect are busy selling stress to people who do not value their abundant joy. But what these intelligent people do not Yesterday, we visited an NGO named “Tender Heart” which is situated in Village Bhatola, Tigaon Road. This NGO works for various causes like training the differently abled.
Spreading awareness on health and hygiene as well as producing compostable sanitary after years of research, they are on a mission to educate the underserved children and provide skills for employment to the rural women and the differently abled. We were amazed at how beautifully they were running different handlooms. Such perfect coordination of the hands, feet and the mind, honestly, for us, them being differently abled means in simple words that they are supremely talented. Their grit and determination is so strong that they’ve won medals at the special olympics.
The warmth and love could be felt with every interaction.
We congratulate and respect the hard work of the team and Renu Bali Ji who are relentlessly and tirelessly working for the betterment of these students.
We consider this a blessing to be able to spend some time with all of them dancing, doing block printing, witnessing them running the handloom and weaving. We indulged in thrift shopping and trust us, there are no regrets! Every penny is for the cause and absolutely worth it.
Our heart is full therefore to share the love here’s a video which will walk you too through the priceless experience! We are sure, even you would not be able to stop yourself from not visiting this place once.

“A Great Working Place on Earth”
Suppose you want to design a great working place on earth to work for. What would it be like? A successful company with an indefinite potential to grow? Or a company that is not just performance driven but also exhibits unity and cooperativeness of team efforts, wherein everyone climbs the stairs of success together and cares for their respective team members? Well, the latter one is what makes SKC World!
I took the first step toward my career at SKC World with my first work experience here. There are people from varied backgrounds with specializations in their field, but what’s common in them is togetherness, which makes it a more joyful experience for me.
I want to thank everyone for the memorable time.
Working at SKC World has helped me develop an optimistic outlook, inducing me to get rid of undesirable traits. I have developed resourcefulness and self-direction, and my ability to adapt to the organization has been further enhanced. My superiors are quite easygoing. One of my bosses told me not to think of him as a boss but rather perceive him as a friend who is there to handhold.
SKC is like a family to me.
Thank You SKC for everything.

SKC Programs/Events

Take Your 'Readiness to Scale Up' Assessment Now
Organizations are in the quest to Scale up exponentially investing their energy, brain and money – however, the most important question that one fails to ask is – Are We Really Ready To Scale Up?
It is critical to assess the overall health meter of the organization timely to be in the state of Success, Scale and Joy.
Without a second thought – quickly take the assessment to get clarity on the current state of your organization
On submission of the assessment survey you will receive a report on “Your Organization’s Current Life State” within 08 working hours.
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